(MyMind - Achtsamkeitstraining für Kinder mit AD(H)S / ASS)
Mindfulness-Based Program for children with autism spectrum disorder and their parents: direct and long-term improvements
Anna Ridderinkhof, Esther I. de Bruin, René Blom, Susan M. Bögels
Mindful with your baby: feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a Mindful Parenting Group Training for mothers and their babies in a mental health context
Eva S. Potharst, Evin Aktar, Marja Rexwinkel, Margo Rigterink, Susan M. Bögels
Mindful Parenting Training in child psychiatric settings:
heightened Parental Mindfulness reduces parents’ and children’s psychopathology
Renée Meppelink, Esther I. de Bruin, Femy H.Wanders-Mulder, Corinne J. Vennik, Susan M. Bögels
Mindful Parenting in mental health care: effects on parental and child psychopathology, parental stress, parenting, coparenting, and marital functioning
Susan M. Bögels, Joke Hellemans, Saskia van Deursen, Marieke Römer, Rachel van der Meulen
Mindful Parenting assessed further: psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the interpersonal mindfulness in parenting scale (IM-P)
Esther I. de Bruin, Bonne J. H. Zijlstra, Naline Geurtzen, Rinka M. P. van Zundert, Eva van de Weijer-Bergsma, Esther E. Hartman, Anke M. Nieuwesteeg, Larissa G. Duncan, Susan M. Bögels
The effectiveness of mindfulness training for children with ADHD and Mindful Parenting for their parents
Saskia van der Oord, Susan M. Bögels, Dorreke Peijnenburg
Was ist Achtsamkeit ?
"Achtsamkeit bedeutet, auf eine bestimmte Weise aufmerksam zu sein: bewusst, im gegenwärtigen Augenblick und ohne zu urteilen" (Jon Kabat-Zinn).
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